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Farmer Green

Adventure Highlights

It’s time to milk the cows, shear the sheep, collect the eggs & harvest the crops. Sing with Cheeky Monkey as he feeds the worms to help the fruit and vegetable garden grow. The Farmer says, "There’s lots to do!" The Rooster says, "Cock-a-doodle-doo! 


Farmer Green

Download the complete activity sheet pack here.



A wonderful new farm song to perform to, while helping the farmer with jobs on the farm.

Where the grass is green and the sky is blue

There's lots of land and a farm house too!

The Farmer Says, "There's lots to do"

The Rooster says, "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"


Down on the Farm




Sung to the tune of I'm a little Teapot 

I'm a little Scarecrow, straight and tall

Stuck on a stick, so I don't fall.

When I see a bird, I like to shout!

Hey you bird, OUT! OUT! OUT!

Find the actions HERE on our YouTube channel



A different way of playing musical freeze that involves following instructions, recall, stop and start.

All of the children are presented with an animal mask. It works best when you have at least 4 or 5 members of each animal family in a group.

Next, the animals are sorted into their paddock or pens in a defined area. Do this one animal group at a time and be clear with where the different animals "live" and must remain seated. Explain to the children that Farmer Green wants them to stay within their paddocks, however they can leave their paddock and dance when they are invited to the Farmyard Fiesta.

When the music plays, announce which animal is invited and encourage them to leave their paddocks and dance around with each other. When the music stops, they must quickly return to their paddock or pen, as the Farmyard Fiesta is over. Making sure that the children remember where they must return and sit down quietly.

Each round should see different animals invited. You can invite one, two or three different groups at a time. Even the teachers would love to be invited.

You could say:

The Farmer has invited the chickens and ducks to attend the Farmyard Fiesta.

The Farmer has invited the sheep and cows to attend the Farmyard Fiesta.

The Farmer has invited the chickens and ducks to attend the Farmyard Fiesta.

The Farmer has invited all the animals and teachers to attend the Farmyard Fiesta.

We love dancing to Thank God I'm a Country Boy or 5678

Farmyard Festa




We love playing with the sorting eggs and the little yolk bean bags that you can hide inside. A great fun learning game developing Numeracy skills is to cook Eggcellent Eggs. Crack and count the eggs into a little fry pan.

Time to flip the eggs. 1,2,3 Go! Throw the little eggs into the air and catch them back in the pan.Count how many eggs you dropped on the floor. You need to try and drop at least one, so the children can problem solve!

How many did we start with? How many did I drop? How many are still in the pan?

(Make sure the children can't see inside the pan, so they must use their numeracy skills)

Ask the children to show how many eggs were in the pan, while holding up the correct number of fingers. Fold down the correct number of fingers, to how many eggs fell on the floor. Now count the numbers of fingers remaining to calculate how many eggs should be sitting in the pan. 

Check inside the pan and count the eggs to make sure the children are correct.

Continue flipping and dropping different amounts of egg beanbags to practice different equations.


There were four eggs in the pan, one fell out. Now we have three eggs in the pan.

There were four eggs in the pan, two fell out. Now we have two eggs in the pan.

There were four eggs in the pan, four fell out. Now we have zero eggs in the pan.

With all these eggs, we can make scrambled eggs...



Creative Characters

Rhythm & Rhyme

Solve and Sort

Moves and Moods

About Us

An imaginative fun place where you can help your friends, experience new songs and stories, interact through performance, explore problem solving content and discover fun facts.

Our Purpose

Inspire teachers and guide parents to entertain and engage children with original fun learning content and ideas.

  • Encourage imagination
  • Move to rhythms & sing rhymes
  • Discover fun facts
  • Explore, sort & solve
  • Build confident & caring children